Petr Pelčák

1963 – Born in Brno
1984–1986 – Studies of Art History, Masaryk University Brno
1984–present – Articles in the areas of architecture theory, history and criticism
from 1998 – Editor and co-author of approximately 15 architectural publications
1986 – Completed studies at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno Technical University
1986–1990 – Stavoprojekt Brno, studio of Viktor Rudiš
1988–1990 – Member of the editorial board of Revue otevřené kultury ROK during the chairmanship of Jan Skácel
1988–1989 – Member of the committee of the discussion club Brněnské fórum
1989 – Member of the association Obecní dům
1990–1991 – Architectural studio of Prof. Wilhelm Holzbauer, Vienna
1991 – Founder of the association Obecní dům Brno, chair from 1991–2008
1992–2007 – Shared studio with Petr Hrůša Architekti Hrůša & Pelčák, Ateliér Brno
1992–1997 – External curator for the exhibitions for Galerie architektury Brno
1993–present – Member of the Czech Chamber of Architects
1995–2001 – Member of the managing board of The Czech Architecture Foundation
1998–2009 – Member of the editorial board of the magazine Arch, Bratislava
1998–present – Member of the association S.V.Ú. Mánes
2005–2012 – Correspondent for the magazine Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, Zurich
2008 – Architectural studio Pelčák a Partner Architekti
from 2011 – Member of the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplannung
from 2014 – Member of the Sächsische Akademie der Künste

Teaching activity

1994 – Teacher at the Summer School of Architecture in Liberec
1995–1996 – External teacher at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno Technical University
2003–2016 – Teacher at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno Technical University
2007–2014 – Head of the Institute designing 3 at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno Technical University
2008–2016 – Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno Technical University
2015 – University lecturer, Technische Universität Wien