Palác Jalta
Dominikánské náměstí 2
602 00 Brno
Tel: +420 604 809 694

Prague office:
Veletržní 45
170 00 Praha 7
Tel: +420 604 809 694

Pelčák a partner architekti
IČ: 28270355, DIČ: CZ28270355
OR: KS Brno C/57671

Conditions of Use

The owner and operator of these web pages is the company Pelčák a partner architekti, s.r.o., with its seat at Dominikánské náměstí 656/2, PSČ 602 00, Brno, IČ 282 70 355, recorded in the trade register administered by the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, section 576 71 (further only “Operator”).

The operator is the owner of all copyrights concerning content in any form, treatment or arrangement published on these web pages in compliance with law no. 121/2000 Sb., copyright.
Irrespective of the above-mentioned, certain materials or texts presented by the Operator on these web pages (specifically trademarks, logos, etc.) can be the property of a third person and can be protected in accordance with the relevant legal regulations related to protection of rights in the area of intellectual property.

Use of the web pages
The user is authorized to make use of these web pages only in accordance with valid legal regulations, with good intentions, with the rules of honest business relations and with these conditions. The user is only authorized to make use of them in a manner which would not interfere with the operations of these web pages, their safety or their wholeness.
Without previous written consent by the Operator, it is forbidden to use these web pages in any other way than for the personal use of the user and for non-commercial purposes.

Without prior written consent from the Operator, it is forbidden to reproduce, redistribute, publish or in any alter the content of the web pages.

The operator uses so-called “cookies’ on the web pages, these being short text files created by the web server and stored in the computer by means of the browser.
Cookies allow web pages to remember the needed information, simplify their use for the users and also makes possible for the Operator certain monitoring activities, for example, monitoring activities, the amount of hits and this on an anonymous basis.
If you do not agree with the use of cookies, block it on your web browser.

The operator is not responsible for any risk to the user which arises from the use of these web pages.

The content of these web pages and the conditions of use are ruled by the legal order of the Czech Republic. Any and all disputes arising in connection with these web pages or in connection with the conditions for their use will be dealt with by the relevant court in accordance with the legal order of the Czech Republic.

By making use of these web pages, the user agrees with these conditions concerning the use of the web pages.

These terms of use are effective as of date of their being made public, that is the 1 December 2016

Design and realization of the web presentation: Atelier Zidlicky